Friday, September 10, 2010

PBA Eye CAN Webinars in September!

Join Prevent Blindness America (PBA) for a webinar on Eye CAN Advocacy Network (Eye CAN) training on Tuesday, September 28 or Thursday, September 30.

PBA is excited to announce two opportunities for you to participate in advocacy webinars this month. Join us as you learn how to advocate for vision and eye health this fall.

Attend and learn about advocacy on September 28 at 3:00 p.m. Eastern (EST) or on September 30 at 8:00 p.m. EST. To sign up and find out more, go to:

Ever wondered how you can get involved in advocacy? PBA will walk you through the easy ways you can become an advocate - without flying to Washington, DC! Learn how to schedule a district visit, what to expect and how to educate your Member and staff about vision and eye health. Find out about town hall meetings - nearly every Member of Congress has them in their district during Congressional recesses. PBA will give you the tips you need to be heard at a town hall meeting!

There will be plenty of time to ask questions, and supporting materials will be provided after the call. Join PBA Legislative Staff and PBA's Washington, DC representatives for an informative webinar that will teach YOU how to advocate for vision and eye health issues.

Can't join us? Don't worry! The webinar will be posted online on our advocacy page:


Anonymous said...

This is a great advocacy program. I used to have eye problems before because of irritation. When I got really worried ('coz the irritation made my eyes itchy and puffy), I asked an optometrist. Indianapolis in Indiana have good eye specialists.

mintradz said...

It was indeed a very good advocacy for vision and eye health. PBA as well as Arizona eye care cares about our eyes as well as the future that relies on that. This event will be forever be remembered.