Monday, April 20, 2009

National Health Council Petition for Health Care Change

The National Health Council, an organization representing 120 national health-related organizations (including Prevent Blindness America) is seeking patient advocates to join their Put Patients First campaign and sign their Petition for Change. The Council's goal is to collect 1 million signatures in 2009 to demonstrate to elected officials that the public needs patient-focused health care reform.

The Put Patients First campaign emphasizes five health care principles:
1. Cover Everyone
2. Curb Costs Responsibly
3. Abolish Exclusions of Pre-Existing Conditions
4. Eliminate Lifetime Caps
5. Ensure Respect at the End of Life.

Sign the petition ( and share your stories about the importance of vision health and coverage with the National Health Council ( and with Prevent Blindness America through our Facebook group page or by emailing

For more information about Prevent Blindness America, your eye health and our public policy positions, go to

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