Thursday, July 2, 2009

Be Safe This Fourth of July Holiday

Prevent Blindness America, the nation’s oldest eye health and safety organization, is urging the public to refrain from purchasing or using fireworks. Fireworks were involved in an estimated 7,000 injuries treated in U.S. hospital emergency rooms in 2008 (2008 Fireworks Annual Report from the Consumer Product Safety Commission).

Unfortunately, more than 40 percent of all fireworks injuries were to children under the age of 15. In fact, sparklers accounted for the most injuries that required medical attention to children ages 4 and under. Some may be surprised to learn that sparklers were associated with the most number of injuries to both adults and children. According to the National Fire Protection Association, “safe and sane” fireworks caused more injuries than illegal fireworks, especially to preschool children.

The second most common injury from fireworks is to the eyes, including contusions and lacerations, debris in the eye and burns.

The best defense against children suffering from an eye injury or burn is to not let them play with fireworks. Protect yourself, your family and your friends by avoiding fireworks. Attend only authorized public fireworks displays conducted by licensed operators.

For more information about Prevent Blindness America's position on fireworks, go to:

For more information on fireworks from the National Fire Protection Association, go to:

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